The reason we get into internet marketing is to make money. Owning a website that earns you money is one of the best feelings in the world. There are many different ways to monetize your website, but one of the most successful ways is to use Google AdSense, where you get paid for every click that you generate. Each click on an ad doesn’t pay much but a lot of clicks can add up very quickly. The secret to success with AdSense is to use the correct techniques. In this article we shall be looking into 3 simple AdSense tips that will help you get the most out of this brilliant advertising program by Google.
AdSense advertising work best when proper niche research is conducted so don’t skip that step. All niches aren’t good; some can’t be effectively monetized and are a waste of time. If you see other people advertising in a particular niche then that is a strong indicator that it can be profitable. Basically, all you need to is be sure that a lot of people are searching for the words that your site is based on and that the niche has products and services that people pay for adverting in. There are many niche markets that might seem to be profitable but when you do your research, you come to know that they’re not right for AdSense. This is more important than you realize because everything you do afterward counts on this step. Second, the positioning of your ads is very important if you want them to get clicked by your subscribers. You need to test which ads work best at getting your visitors to click on them but normally you would want to use 250×250 block ads or 336×280 sized ads; these are proven to convert the highest on most sites. A rule that everyone should follow is placing one ad at the top of your website’s pages, as this is first place your visitor’s eyes will land. Many a substantial AdSense income can be tricky if you don’t have a clue about what you’re doing but with a few minor tweaks you can make money.
The best thing about Google AdSense that many don’t take advantage of is the options you have for changing your ad’s color. You can dramatically improve your conversion rates by testing colors; put different color AdSense blocks on each page and check your stats to pick the best performer.
In closing, if Adsense is something that you want to try on your websites, make sure you know that you have a long and difficult road ahead of you. But don’t let information like that get to you and don’t lose your motivation. Once you make just a little bit of money flow, you will see that increasing the work you’re doing can only bring more. In the end, it’s about what you’re earning, and with Adsense, as long as you keep at it, you will make more before you know it.
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