News Blog Communication: Google, Facebook and shopping

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Google, Facebook and shopping

Here’s the morning round-up of great mobile marketing and advertising stories from GoMo News. Google is moving a lot with AdMob and mobile metrics; iVdopia releases results from mobile ads for DVDs; and Facebook and Whrrl mess around with mobile shopping. Google 1: integrating AdMob with AdSense

Google’s acquired mobile ad network AdMob has been generating headlines recently. First the CEO left – now Google announces it is plugging AdSense into the AdMob network. From now on, if AdMob somehow fails to fill a mobile ad space with one of it’s own publishers, AdSense will leap into the gap and place a Google ad in the spot.
Google 2: new metric launched to measure click-to-call
Google wants its advertisers on mobile to know exactly how many people are using the “click-to-call” function – whereby tapping a mobile ad sets up a phone call to the business or brand in question. This will, in theory, let enterprises figure out exactly how many incoming calls are generated through mobile advertising.
Whrrl and USA Today combine social networking, location and brand advertising
Whrrl is a location-based social network with some gaming elements – it builds “societies” around your every day activities. So if you follow a particularly common route to work every day, you can end up gaining points in the society built around that route. Now it has joined forces with USA Today to create new societies specially for mobile shoppers, based around brands and USA Today advertisers.
Facebook follows the pack into mobile coupon shopping

Their is a growing trend around offering coupons to shoppers based on their location – and Facebook is never one to let a trend escape unmolested. It is now offering merchants the chance to offer coupons through it’s location service, Places. Mobile shoppers using Places on the move will see yellow icons highlighting businesses that have coupons available.
iVdopia releases stats for Corpse Princess mobile video ads

Corpse Princess is an anime series – and mobile video advertiser iVdopia was signed on to advertise the DVDs over mobile. The company ran a series of rich-media and interactive ads, including pre-app videos,  display banners, interactive social media ads and finger-swiping Viper ads:
Average view time for the video ad was 12.41 seconds (83% of the video length). Of those who clicked through to the social media page: 57% clicked to watch videos; 23% clicked to visit the website; 10% went on to share the Corpse Princess ad on Facebook, 18% on Twitter and 9% on email.

Posted by Ybo